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Call for CAA Member Artists​

Hooked on a Feeling

January 7 to March 27, 2025 

at Visit Concord, 2151 Salvio Street, Suite T, Concord, CA

This call for art has closed.


Submit your two-dimensional artwork to CAA's first member art show of 2025 at Visit Concord. Hooked on a Feeling is the theme. A committee of CAA members will jury this show.


What feeling does your art express? Submit artwork that conveys whatever emotion that inspired your subject, whether abstract or representational. Art is expression without words -- using color, shape, value and other design elements to convey a feeling, we look forward to seeing how you approach that. Any media is welcome to this show -- variety is good!  We invite you to share the art that got you hooked on a feeling.


You may submit up to two pieces for consideration. Entry fee is $10 per piece; 10% commission on sales payable to Concord Art Association. Fees and commissions help fund CAA's Teacher Grant and Scholarship programs. Join CAA.



  • Minimum framed size is 12" x 12", or 11" x 14". Maximum framed size is 16" x 20". Check with us on other sizes.

  • Please no nudity or volatile subjects.

  • Follow CAA Framing Guidelines. Work that doesn't meet the guidelines makes it difficult to hang and may not be accepted.

  • Drop off and pick up artwork on scheduled dates. If you cannot do that, arrange for someone else to help out. Artwork cannot be stored at Visit Concord.


 Important Dates

  • Submissions due: December 30

  • Artist notifications: December 31

  • Drop off: Monday, January 6, 11am - 12:30pm

  • Reception: Friday, February 14, 4 to 6pm

  • Pick up: Friday, March 28, 11am - 12:30pm​


Questions? Contact Concord Art Association

Reservation Rights

The Concord Art Association, in its sole and absolute discretion, reserves the right to change the show timeline and/or to supplement, amend, or otherwise modify this Call for Artists. 

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©2024 by Concord Art Association

P.O. Box 641, Concord, CA 94522

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